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When will my item arrive?

We try to fulfill all orders within 2-3 business days. You will see estimated shipping times at checkout. Please allow time for processing your order plus shipping time.

What is the return policy?

We pride ourselves in quality products and great service in hopes that you won't need to return anything! We do our best to look over items before sending them out. You have 48 hours after receiving your order to notify us of any defects or issues with your products. We do not provide return shipping. You will provide shipping of the return items. You will receive store credit upon the item being received back by Sew Wildflowers. SALE items are FINAL sale and not returnable.

How often will you new items be available?

Our goal is to add new items monthly. It may be a random day of the month, but we will share by email or on social media when we add new things! Be the first to know by signing up for emails!

Can I shop in person?

We will sometimes be at local barn sales or other vendor options. Sign up for emails or watch our social media pages to know the details for these opportunities!